

  • To help young adults with cystic fibrosis be able to pursue their dreams of a higher education at a community college, university, or a vocational school.

  • To encourage young adults with CF to take a chance on themselves.

  • Raise awareness of the day-to-day challenges of living with cystic fibrosis. 

To show students with cystic fibrosis that their potential is limitless.

The life of a college student with cystic fibrosis is challenging. Staying compliant with treatments, succeeding academically, and making friends can take its toll - and that's in addition to what CF naturally does to the body and the mind. And after all of that, it's time to pay your tuition. Science paired with tenacity has afforded individuals diagnosed with cystic fibrosis opportunities that once were seemingly impossible. Life expectancies, therapeutic initiatives, and groundbreaking medical breakthroughs have afforded individuals living with CF to dream beyond surviving high school. With new CFTR protein modulators like Kalydeco, Orkambi, and now Trikafta, a life changing drug by Vertex pharmaceuticals that is approved for 90% of individuals living with CF. These modulators target the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis - restoring function to CFTR mutated proteins. Suddenly, individuals find their life filled with endless possibilities and free to not only dream, but do.

CF Limitless, a 501(c)(3) exempt nonprofit organization, makes this all a little easier by providing scholarships to students with CF. We lessen the burden of paying for college so students with CF can focus on what's important - enjoying the college experience and staying healthy. We empower students with CF to thrive academically, socially and medically while striving to fulfill their potential through post secondary education and training.